Azure Devops vs AWS

This is just a tiny post to publish an issue with Azure Devops. "Working yesterday, broken today". I never had the same headache in the couple of years I was doing CI/CD with AWS and GitHub.

I have a yaml build pipeline which has been working for a couple of months. Today it failed instantly:

image.png Going in to the details doesn't help much:

Provisioning request delayed or failed to send 5 time(s). This is over the limit of 3 time(s).


And the build log is similarly unhelpful:

##[warning]There was a failure in sending the provision message: Unexpected response code from remote provider InternalServerError
,##[warning]There was a failure in sending the provision message: Unexpected response code from remote provider InternalServerError
,##[warning]There was a failure in sending the provision message: Unexpected response code from remote provider InternalServerError
,##[warning]There was a failure in sending the provision message: Unexpected response code from remote provider InternalServerError
,##[warning]There was a failure in sending the provision message: Unexpected response code from remote provider InternalServerError
,##[error]Provisioning request delayed or failed to send 5 time(s). This is over the limit of 3 time(s).
Pool: Azure Pipelines
Image: windows-latest

The most likely scenario is some issue with the pool, which should be using the latest windows image, as the docs suggests that should be windows-2022:

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

I've changed windows-latest for windows-2022 but the problem still persists.