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Any mid-level+ developer should be aware of SQL injection, and any production web app written in the last few years should use some simple tools to avoid it.
And yet I just found a .NET EF Core project, in production, using this:
string keywordSearchSql = "SELECT FROM ... INNER JOIN ...";
//Start generate where conditions
List<string> whereConditions = new List<string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Keywords))
whereConditions.Add($@"t.Description like '%{request.Keywords}%'");
// after much more of the same sort of string manipulation:
keywordSearchSql = keywordSearchSql + "WHERE " + String.Join(" AND ", whereConditions) + " ";
// and finally
Yes, it's real. I've changed a few names and simplified the code, but obviously if we searched for a keyword such as '; DROP TABLE MyTable
then goodbye table, hello backups.
Fixing it
Unfortunately the query is quite large and doesn't map to EF Core easily, there are no unit tests, no integration tests, and no UAT test scripts, so it's not as simple as rewriting the queries (the joy of maintenance!).
If I had the choice I would do something like this:
_context.MyTable.Where(t => EF.Functions.Like(t.Description, "%request.Keywords%"));
A secondary option would be to keep .FromSqlRaw and parameterize the query as seen in the docs:
.FromSqlRaw("EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogsForUser {0}", user)
but again in my case I need to unwind some complex function calls. It's never trivial.